Network Health

With headquarters in Menasha, Wisconsin, Network Health serves most of southeastern Wisconsin, covering 22 counties on individual health plans. Founded in 1982, Network Health prides itself in its local flavor, offering individual, family, large and small business, Medicare and Medicaid plans. One of the highlights of Network Health plans include their wellness programs that reward members for healthy behavior.

Three selling points for brokers:

  • Network Health serves over 175,000 members.
  • 94% of Network Health members say their claims are handled correctly.
  • Their largest member population area is Winnebago, where almost 20,000 members are located.


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Some industry experts would say the health insurance industry has been under attack for the past few years. While many agents, agencies and FMOs are struggling to adapt to the constant changes that come with healthcare reform, here at American Insura...

American Insurance Organization - 667 Union Blvd Allentown, PA 18109 - Office Phone: (610) 740-0000 Fax: (610) 740-0090